Cannabis Proper

Here at our phytology lab, our mission is deeply rooted in a profound love for the healing properties and untapped potential of one of the world’s most remarkable plants. We are driven by a heartfelt commitment to community, purity, sustainability, and innovation, and we believe that every individual should have access to the highest quality and genetically unique cannabis strains. We pour our passion into providing meticulously cultivated sterile cultures, clones, and laboratory services. Our highest goal is to ensure that these unique and valuable cultivars will be preserved and available for many generations to come. Our inventory is small but it is real. And it is with an unwavering dedication and an open-hearted spirit that we invite researchers, cultivators, and cannabis enthusiasts to join us on this transformative journey. Together we can cultivate a brighter future where the incredible power of cannabis is harnessed to improve lives and help shape a more compassionate world.